Associate Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Educators
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE)
Tel: +30 210 2896-736
- 1985: Diploma in Electrical and Computing Engineering, ECE Dept. University of Patras, GR (5-year studies)
- 1987: MSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University (1987), USA
- 2009: PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, ECE Dept. University of Patras, GR
Research Interests
- Automatic Control Systems Technology and Applications
- Control over Networks (“Networked Control Systems”) and Control of Networks
- Robust Control Theory with applications to Time Delayed Systems
- Security Issues in Cyber-physical Systems & applications to Power Systems
- Robotics, Mechatronics and Flight Control
Teaching Interests
- Control Systems Technology (Theory & Apllications)
- Systems and Signals
- Electrical Machinery
- Electric Drives and Applications
- Sensors, Measurement Systems, Data Acquisition
- Power Electronics
- Circuit Theory & Electromagnetism
- Robotics & Μechatronics
Indicative Publications
- Spyros Tzafestas and Leonidas Dritsas “Combined computed torque and model reference adaptive control of robot systems” Journal of the Franklin Institute Volume 327, Issue 2 , 1990, pages 273-294 doi:10.1016/0016-0032(90)90022-B
- Dritsas and A. Tzes, “Robust Stability Bounds for Networked Controlled Systems with Unknown, Bounded and Varying Delays” – IET Control Theory & Applications, Volume 3 Issue 3 (March 2009), pages 270 – 280 (
- Dritsas and Α. Tzes “Robust Stability Αnαlysis οf Networked Systems with Varying Delays” – “International Jοurnal οf Contrοl” Vol. 82, No. 12, December 2009, pages 2347–2355, first appeared Aug. 2009, DOI: 10.1080/00207170903061705
- Dritsas and Α. Tzes “Computation of Robust Stability Bounds forNetworked Systems with Varying Delays”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications 2012 – Vol. 4, No.1/2 pp. 20 – 36 , (DOI: 10.1504/IJSCC.2012.045929 )
- Halikias, L. Dritsas, A. Pantelous and V. Tsoulkas “Strong stability of discrete-time systems”, Linear Algebra and its Applications Volume 436, Issue 7, Pages 1890–1908,
- George Bitsoris, Nikolaos Athanasopoulos and Leonidas Dritsas, “Stability, positive invariance and design of constrained regulators for networked control systems”, International Journal of Control, Volume 85, Issue 10, 2012 , pages 1401-1413
- Theodoulis, V. Gassmann, P. Wernert, L. Dritsas, I. Kitsios, A. Tzes “Guidance and Control Design of a Class of Fin-Controlled Spin-Stabilized Projectiles” JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE, CONTROL, AND DYNAMICS (AIIA) Vol. 36, No. 2, March–April 2013
- George Nikolakopoulos, Leonidas Dritsas & Saleh S. Delshad “Combined Networked Switching Output Feedback Control with D-Region Stability for Performance Improvement”, International Journal of Control. 2014 Accepted & posted online: 10 Dec 2013 – Published online: 28 Feb 2014, DOI
Efstathios Kontouras, Anthony Tzes and Leonidas Dritsas “Hybrid Detection of Intermittent Cyber-Attacks in Networked Power Systems” Energies 2019, 12(24), 4625; , Available Online:
Leonidas Dritsas, Efstathios Kontouras, Eleftherios Vlahakis, Ioannis Kitsios, George Halikias and Anthony Tzes “Modelling, and Aggressive Robust Load-Frequency Control of Ιnterconnected Electric Power Systems”, International Journal of Control 2020,
Leonidas Dritsas “Stabilisation and tracking controllers for a class of nonlinear systems with unmatched nonvanishing perturbations” Journal of Control and Decision 2022
Professional Experience
Dr. Dritsas has over twenty-five (25) years of professional experience in Information Technologies and Industrial Automation. More detailed CVs can be found at